Ultrasound imaging for breast surgery Today I would like to share about the Ultrasonography after the breast augmentatioin surgery. Although there aren’t any problems after the breast augmentation, one might be curious about if the implant is at the appropriate position and think about if there is no problem inside the breast where one cannot see. Breast augmentation Korea KIES-U Or, the breasts...
What is water-drop breast surgery? Breast augmentation Korea Things to consider before breast augmentation surgery What is a water-drop breast surgery? This might seem like a very simple question to answer but there are many who do not know exactly about it. Today I would like to share about the difference between the water drop breast surgery and one that is not. 1)...
About breast size - breast augmentation Korea There are many patients who do not know how the breast sizes change after the breast augmentation. The doctors say that he/she would use 300cc or 275cc, but the patients do not know how the breasts would change along with the different sizes of the implants. About 13~14 years ago, the internet shopping started. At that...
[Breast augmentation Korea] Those who need recovery in 24 hours _ Career women Everyone at our country is busy. But there are those who are busier than others. I would like to share about a quick breast surgery recovery for those career women in such need. Let’s look at some occupations that I can think of. Housewives who need to take care of...
[Information about Breast augmentation surgery Korea] Is it good or bad to use drains after a breast augmentation surgery? Is it necessary? These questions are asked often because the patients get different answer from all the hospitals that they visit. Some doctors say that using drains are necessary Some doctors do not require it. So the patients are very curious about this. I...
How large does the breasts become after the breast augmentation? Q. I will be using cohesive gel 275cc (or 300cc) and my breasts are currently AA cup. How will the size change? Let’s look at how we measure the cup size before we answer the question above. When the difference between the upper breasts circumference and the lower breasts circumference is about 12.5cm,...
breast augmentation korea
Breast revision with alloderm(artificial skin) - breast augmentation Korea
11:07 PM Using artificial skin(alloderm) for breast re-surgery [KIES-U Korea] We have been using the artificial skin in breast revision surgery since the early 2000’s. It was first used for the breast cancer patients but then the usage has expanded into the beauty area and is now applied on the breast surgeries. The artificial skin is made by pig skin but has been biochemically alternated...
Bleeding after breast augmentation surgery [KIES-U Korea] We do not call bleeding and pain as side effects. We need to know the cause of these problems. All surgeries have bleeding. A good surgery requires how effectively you stop or minimize the bleeding. So the important thing is that the surgery be done without bleeding. Breast augmentation Korea KIES-U Dr. Lee What happens when...
Selecting the Implant Height in Breast augmentation with anatomical Prosthesis [KIES-U Korea] Here in Korea, we have a short history of using tear-drop implant breast augmentation, therefore we limited know-how in various types of surgeries. In oppose to this, tear-drop implants have been used in Europe and North America for almost 20 years. Therefore, these countries have built-up knowledge and data that are...
Feeling of touch after the breast augmentation There are three things that interest you the most when doing breast augmentation; shape, volume and feel. Today I would like to talk about this “feel”. There are common questions that the patients ask about “feel”. Below are the questions. 1. Does smooth feel better than textured? 2. Does tear drop shape feel better than round...
Does Breast Implant Manufacturer Matter? Currently in 2015, there are about 5 companies that import implants to our country. There are many products therefore it is difficult to know the characteristics of each of these products. I get surprised at times when I talk to the patients. They ask me things that they have heard elsewhere such as in other clinics or the...
What is double bubble after breast augmentation? Let’s look into one of the most common side effects of breast augmentation, double -bubble Today, I would like to share about one of the most common side effects in breast augmentation, double wrinkle ( double line, double bubble). One must know the anatomy in order to understand this side effect, but this is difficult for...