breast augmentation

Pain after breast augmentation - Breast surgery korea

6:53 PM
How to reduce pain after breast augmentation surgery There are many who are concerned about the pain after the breast augmentation surgery and therefore do not want to get it. There are many around who suffer from the pain so the patients get scared about the breast augmentation surgery. There are many internet advertisements that read “no pain breast augmentation surgery” or “no pain surgery”...


breast augmentation

capsular contracture - no touch technique breast augmentation

1:19 AM
Breast Surgery To Know List 7. no touch technique breast augmentation How to prevent capsular contracture? This is a frequently asked question. There are many who are concerned that the breast implant in the breast becomes stiff and strong. I have shared many times about the reasons behind the capsular contracture, but we do not know the reason for sure. However we assume...



BREAST IMPLANT REVISION with Anatomical Shaped Implants - Korea

10:18 PM
Breast augmentation revision surgery Korea 'Anatomical type breast revision surgery' means that you will have a revision surgery with a anatomical type implant. Today’s topic is the breast re-surgery with an anatomical type implant. There are no revision surgeries that require an anatomical type implants If you decide to have a breast revision surgery, then you would need to think about what type...


Breast implants feel natural touch

Breast augmentation Korea - Breast implants feel natural touch

8:41 PM
Breast Surgery – To know list 5. Breast implants touch Tactile sensation of the breast after the breast augmentation surgery is a natural problem associated with the surgery itself. Whether the breast feels real or not when you touch it, is a big decision making factor for the breast surgery. A to Z of have a good tactile sensation of the breast There...


breast augmentation

Do breast implants need to be changed every 10 years?

11:57 PM
Q. Should Breast implants be replaced every 10 years?  A. Before the FDA approval of cohesive gel in 2006, there was a time when we only used saline solution bag. The various rumors at that time are still on-line today. What I am surprised at is that there are many surgeons who do not have sufficient knowledge about the breast implants but communicate...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation Natural looking breast implant

10:00 AM
Spreading breast when lying down (natural breast)  Do the breasts spread apart after textured correction when you lie down? (Natural breasts / unnatural breasts)   The question above is about the natural look after the breast augmentation surgery Natural breasts tend to spread apart when lying down, but the breasts with implants do not spread naturally but stay stiff- therefore, there are many...


breast augmentation

Massage after breast augmentation [KIES-U Korea]

6:00 PM
Breast augmentation massage  Massaging is to maintain the large space around the breast implant Many surgeons believed that in order to reduce the capsular contracture, the pocket needs to be larger than the necessary size so that the massaging would be able to maintain the large space of the pocket in order to move the breast implant. This would prevent the breast implant...


breast augmentation

Fat transfer breast augmentation - Korea

4:49 PM
Breast fat transfer [KIES-U Korea] Q. Is it effective to do fat transfer for the breast augmentation? A. Yes, it is. Q. Is the breast fat transfer safe? A. Yes, it has been determined that it is safe. Q. Which is the better method? Breast fat transfer or the implant? A. It is difficult to say which is the better of the two....


body contouring

Other corrections that you can do simultaneously with transaxillary breast augmentation

6:32 PM
There are several number of corrections / surgeries that you can do simultaneously with the transaxillary breast augmentation. We will cover a few in details. The most common one that the patients ask about is the bra line liposuction. When you do the liposuction in the forearm, the incision site that you take the fat out from is different from the incision point...


24 hours recovery

Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Safe? - KIES-U Korea

11:34 PM
Safe breast augmentation, breast surgery without any defects Q. People choose plastic surgery clinics considering the safety. So what do the patients need to check? A. I think that all cosmetic surgery should not have any defects although you might not look pretty after the correction.   The safety and having no problem after the breast augmentation surgery is the most important factor...


24 hours recovery

How to choose Breast Implant Size for Breast Augmentation

9:27 PM
Breast Surgery To Know List 4.Deciding on the Breast implant size There are many posts on how we can decide on the size of the breast implants. Today, I would like to summarize the core contents with this post. Before the doctor would see the patient and say “You would need xxx cc.” This was about 7 to 8 years ago. But today,...


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