(quick) recovery system

Survey results on the Breast augmentation 24 hour (quick) recovery system

7:03 PM
24 hour recovery after Breast augmentation  Today, I would like to clear some misunderstandings and perception on the 24 hour recovery system. 24 hour recovery system was first introduced  by John B. Tebbetts from Dallas, US. It is also mentioned in a book,  (AUGMENTATION MAMMAPLASTY, Redefining  the patient and surgeon experience, Mosby, 2010, Elsevier Inc. pp.377~385) and has been introduced much in various...


24 hours recovery

Conditions for quick recovery from breast augmentation

6:44 PM
Why is 24 hour recovery important? My patients tell me that they come to me because of the quick recovery from the breast augmentation. Today, let’s look at why quick recovery time is important and how this can be achieved. Here is the summary of 24 hour recovery system so that you can understand it easily. Whatever surgery it is, a good surgery...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

Will Augmented Breasts Change After pregnancy or giving birth? - breast surgery Korea

7:11 PM
What happens to my breasts that I have cosmetic surgery on, after pregnancy or after I give birth? Which looks better? Before the pregnancy? Or after it? This is a common question. The answer to this question is that the surgically done breasts become similar to the non-surgical breasts. Breast augmentation requires putting in the implants and enlarging the skin. The skin tissue...


24 hours recovery

Breast augmentation surgery for career women

1:21 AM
[Breast augmentation Korea] Those who need recovery in 24 hours _ Career women Everyone at our country is busy. But there are those who are busier than others. I would like to share about a quick breast surgery recovery for those career women in such need. Let’s look at some occupations that I can think of. Housewives who need to take care of...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

General or local anaesthesia for breast augmentation? - Breast surgery Korea

10:01 PM
Anesthesia for Breast augmentation This is a frequently asked question. Today, I will answer this question through this post and also share some wrong information that some advertisements state about the breast surgery.   The difference about the breast augmentation and other surgeries is that breast augmentation requires a large substance to be put inside the body. The important factor here is that,...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation Natural looking breast implant

10:00 AM
Spreading breast when lying down (natural breast)  Do the breasts spread apart after textured correction when you lie down? (Natural breasts / unnatural breasts)   The question above is about the natural look after the breast augmentation surgery Natural breasts tend to spread apart when lying down, but the breasts with implants do not spread naturally but stay stiff- therefore, there are many...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation for Pigeon chest

9:57 PM
Pectus Carinatum Breast augmentation Surgery  I have personally analyzed statistically that there are about 12~16% of those with Pigeon chest. This is rather a common form of chest cage. Pigeon chest is when the chest cage is roundly shaped by ribs, and breastbones. We call pigeon chest medically pectus carinatum. The shape is formed because costal cartilage and breastbone stick outwards. A bad...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

Things to consider Before getting Breast surgery [KIES-U Korea]

5:20 PM
Communication between the surgeon and the patient by Dr. Lee Joo Hyuck (KIES-U Plastic surgery Korea) Whenever I talk to my patients, one thing always come up on my head, that communication is very important. Actually, I think about this every time. How can the patient understand me clearly? How can I understand what the patient wants? This looks simple, but it is...


24 hours recovery

24 hours recovery of breast augmentation surgery - My survey report

12:19 AM
Hi, I'm doctor Lee. 24 hours recovery of breast augmentation surgery is not a marketing - promotion term, but one of essential points of this surgery. Surgeons has to perfect himself in 24 hours recovery to minimize the complications and postoperative problems. What is 24 hours recovery? ;  A quick recovery allows the patients to return to normal activity  - walking, shopping, driving,...


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