Form stable implant
There are many who do not understand what form stable implant is.
Today, I would like to share about what a form stable implant is.
Form stable implant is one that does not change its shape irregularly but stays in uniform shape.
What is form stability?
The gel has high cohesiveness and density. As the filling rate, volume of gel compared to exterior skin, approaches 100%, the exterior shape remains stable.
Advantages of form stable implant
1) Durability (Low possibility of collapse or leakage)
2) Low possibility of capsular contracture (Theoretically; not clinically proved)
3) Low possibility of rippling
4) Good for filling up the volume in the upper breast
5) Low possibility of breast parenchyma contraction (Need more clinical data)
6) The gel does not leak although there is damage on the exterior skin
Disadvantages of form stable implant
1) Requires high technique for surgery
2) Costly
3) Large incision for the implant
4) Patients feel that it is not as soft
5) Not good for those who want large sized implants
The important point here is that there is no absolutely form stable implant made by the manufacturers today.
Anatomical implants are said to be rather stable in form or shape in our country.
The most representative product is anatomical implant from Allerga, Style 410. There are other such as CPG (Contour profile gel) by Mentor, and anatomical implant from SiliMed.
Truform2 from Allergan Inspira is a round type implant but it has a high fill rate therefore provides high form stability but not as much as Style 410.
Implants that have weak form stability are,
Mentor round type implants (Mentor MemoryGel)
Soft touch products in Allergan anatomical implant
Polytech silicone gel products
Such variety of implants are produced by the companies and it is difficult to know each one of them.
If you feel that you need a form stable implant, you need to think and consult with your doctor on whether you want highly stabled or lowly stabled implant.
In most cases, the form stable implants are recommended for,
Sagging breasts
Tuberous breast
Constricted breast
Low volume in upper breast
Other factors such as when your original breast needs big make over
Thank you for reading. Have a good day.