
When can I start to exercise after BA? Breast augmentation Korea

10:14 PM

When can I start to exercise after the breast augmentation surgery? (Breast augmentation recovery) 

Today, I would like to share about the recovery from breast augmentation surgery, i.e. when you can start exercising after the breast augmentation.

First, the type of exercise is important.
Second, one needs to consider the difference in the outcome of the surgery for each patients.

The first week of recovery from the breast augmentation surgery is quick and active. The body reacts to the implant that is in the body all of a sudden, and the implant pocket begins to heal therefore, this period is unstable.
It is recommended that you avoid heavy activities or exercises and just do daily chores.

Strong capsule, epithelium, is formed around the implant after 3 weeks.
There can be difference in the thickness but this epithelium is formed in all bodies with silicone.

If this epithelium becomes too thick, it can be the cause of the capsular contracture, but this epithelium also helps implant to maintain its position stable within the body. There are two sides to the coin.

Therefore, you will be able to do just about any exercise after three weeks.
Normal muscle movements do no shift the implant to a different position.

You can exercise on the running machines, you can enjoy cycling, weigh training, and yoga. After a month, the epithelium becomes stronger therefore even massaging the breasts would not lead the implant to shift or move to another position.

Therefore, I tell my patients that it takes about a month to enjoy normal exercises.
But you need to be a little loose about this time period.

Your body knows what is best for you. If you want to swim after the breast augmentation, you might do a little warm up. If you feel ok, then you can swim more the next day but if you don’t feel good, then you should stop at that moment. You need to feel your body and control the pace of your recovery so that at the end, you can get back to your original condition..

I conducted breast augmentation on a professional body builder. We communicated a lot and I am aware that it took 2 months for her to do the normal body building exercises that she did before the surgery.

Professional body builders can resist the heavy weight but normal female patients cannot.
So it takes less time for a normal patient to get back to normal condition.
Today, we looked at the time period of exercising after the breast augmentation. I hope that this post has helped you out.

Thank you and have a great day.

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