Q. I was found to have Fibroadenoma in my medical examination. Can I get breast augmentation? Do I need to remove the lymph first and then get the augmentation? KIES-U Plastic surgery #Breast augmentation Korea A. Here is the pathological explanation on Fibroadenoma Fibroadenoma is a benign lump that perimenopause women suffer from. It can move about easily, is strong and smooth, but...
There was a person who asked about the seroma that could arise after the breast surgery using an implant. I would like to share about this today. If you put blood sample in the test tube and leave it for a while, the liquid rises and the blood cell stay at the bottom. The clean serum gathered together at a particular place is...
Is inframammary fold incision possible for anyone? There are many patients who ask about the inframammary fold incision. Today I would like to share about the inframammary fold incision surgery indication. The answer to the question is that the inframammary fold incision can be applied at all times. There is no case where the inframammary fold incision should be avoided. But there are...
breast augmentation korea
What implant is good for sagging breasts? - Breast augmentation Korea
8:27 PM Q. Which is better for the sagging breasts? Round type implant? Or the anatomical type? I have shared before in the old post. Dual plane surgery is conducted for the sagging breasts. Dual plane should be done through inframammary fold. Implant put under the pectoralis muscle in a sagging breast looks like a lump on the breast. If the implant is put...
breast augmentation korea
Clinics that recommend only large breast implants - Breast augmentation Korea
9:29 PM What do you think is the size of the implant that is mostly used here in our country(south Korea)? I looked into the implant sales data of 2013 and 2014. The result is that for all types of implants such as anatomical, round smooth, textured, the size that sold the most was 280~320cc. Breast augmentation Korea KIES-U This is quite surprising. About...
Choosing the right size anatomical implant for breast augmentation This is another frequently asked question. Today, I would like to post an answer on “How to choose the appropriate size of implant when getting a breast augmentation?” It could be summed up as the following. When you park your car, you park within the parking spot lines. If you go over the over,...
Breast Implant Size to Achieve Medium C Cup? Today, I would like to talk about the one question that most of my patients ask. In simple words, the question is, "Can I have a C cup breast (or a full B cup)?” Two problems arise if a very thin, weak lady with narrow shoulders us large sized implants for breast augmentation. The...
Breast augmentation - About illegal breast implants I have found few Chinese made cohesive gel implants when I conducted revision surgeries abroad. I thought that China is a great country, because, it can make such fake products. There was a logo ‘Shanghai’ at the back of this fake Chinese implant. Chinese cohesive gel implant from a foreign patient who received breast augmentation in...
Correction of Breast Asymmetry There are many of those who are worried about “what shall I do with my breasts?” when they have uneven (asymmetry) breasts. (There are those who want anatomical implant for the uneven breasts as well) It is obvious that a person has two different sides. But there are different opinions on how the two breasts can be different. The...
What is industrial silicone? Fake breast implants KBS News I became curious about how an industrial silicone looks like as I watched news on the people who tried to make and sell industrial silicone to many hospitals. I still have not seen one. I wanted to know the difference between the industrial silicone and cosmetic surgery silicone, so I searched for it on...