asian rhinoplasty

Curved line(Barbie doll) nose job is similar to wearing high heels

6:19 PM
Today, I would like to share about a few things that came into my mind when doing a rhinoplasty. First, I would like to share a though, “curved line (known as barbie doll nose job) nose job is similar to wearing high heels.” Why do you wear high heels?  "High heel was invented by a woman who got kissed on her forehead.” (Christopher...


breast augmentation

Disadvantages of having large sized breast implants

5:31 PM
Q) Are there any bad things or side-effects of having implants that are too big?  There are many problems. I will share them one by one. 1. Over-dissection Measuring the width (cm) of the breast and fitting the correct width of the implant would be the first stage of selecting the volume of the implant.   If the volume of the implant is...


breast augmentation korea

breast implants round vs teardrop

5:11 PM
Q. Is it better to use the round type or the tear drop type implant? This is not a simple question to answer. First, one must know the difference between the round type and the tear drop type. Another important thing to know is the status of your breasts. One must know the status of the breasts/chest to decide on the type of...


breast augmentation

Composite breast augmentation for separated breast

8:27 PM
Solving "separated breast" deformity on thin women with composite breast augmentation Today, I would like to introduce a thesis on the fat transplantation in between the breasts, especially for the thin patients. The article is from a renown magazine, Plastic and reconstructive Surgery 135. April version. It is written by Francisco Bravo from Madrid, Spain. The name of the thesis is “Parasternal Infiltration...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

General or local anaesthesia for breast augmentation? - Breast surgery Korea

10:01 PM
Anesthesia for Breast augmentation This is a frequently asked question. Today, I will answer this question through this post and also share some wrong information that some advertisements state about the breast surgery.   The difference about the breast augmentation and other surgeries is that breast augmentation requires a large substance to be put inside the body. The important factor here is that,...


breast augmentation

Breast augmentation implants shape - breast surgery Korea

9:47 PM
How the shape of the implant and different methods change the shape of the breasts  An interesting report on how the breasts change according to the shape of the implants has been introduced based on various experiments conducted on 17 corpses. It was written by Dr. Antonio Jorge Forte of Yale University and Dr. Alonso of Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Plastic and reconstructive surgery,...


accessory breasts

Removing accessory breasts (polymastia removal)

6:30 PM
Today we will talk about accessory breasts. What is accessory breasts(polymastia)? This is a term related to multiple breast syndrome, or additional breast tissue. The additional breast tissue is found elsewhere than the breast. When the mammals are born, mammary gland tissue is formed but this does not go away and the tissue stays due to some problem. This can be found anywhere...


Areola reduction surgery

Areola reduction - breast surgery korea

7:25 PM
Areola reduction surgery Let’s talk about the areola reduction today. The diameter of the areola in an average woman should be about 4.7cm. Also, we would consider the shape of the breasts along with the proportion in the upper body to decide on the size of the areola. If the areola is larger than 4.7cm then one must seriously consider getting the areola...


breast surgery

Nipple reduction - breast surgery korea

6:59 PM
Nipple reduction surgery There are relatively many of those who have physical complex with their nipples and areola. Today, we will talk about the nipple reduction. Nipples point outwards and are used for breast feeding, but they are important in terms of beauty as well. There are many nerves in the nipples and also the nipples act as a sexually sensitive area. If...


bra after breast augmentation

Wearing bra after breast surgery - breast augmentation Korea

6:05 PM
when can i wear a wire bra after breast augmentation When can I wear a bra after the breast surgery? This is another common question. (There are many types of bra and there are different time to as when you can start wearing different types) I usually say this. Just use the breast patch and wear shirts. If you really want to wear...


breast augmentation

Swimming after breast augmentation - Breast surgery Korea

9:31 PM
How Soon Can I Swim After Breast augmentation? This seems a little funny but this is a question that I get asked often. There are many patients who want to wear swim suit to show off their new body and so they ask me this question a lot. 1 day after breast augmentation If there is a scar on the skin, there would...


asian rhinoplasty

Dorsal aesthetic line, pretty nose jobs - asian rhinoplasty Korea

6:53 PM
How to get a pretty nose  - asian rhinoplasty Korea I am sure that there are many ladies who want to make their nose look pretty. I would like to discuss about the “Mona Lisa line (Dorsal aesthetic line)” of the nose. How to get a pretty nose job - asian rhinoplasty Korea There are few questions that a lot of the patients ask....


breast augmentation

Damaged breast implants - Breast augmentation surgery side effect

6:12 PM
Breast augmentation Korea KIES-U I recently saw news on “Increase in number of breast surgery side effects: Damaged breast implants”. I would like to share on this topic of damaged implants. Let’s look at an example of a tire. A reporter took a Bridgestone tire, randomly, and used a rolling mill on it.  He rolled 5 tons on the tire. There is no...


breast augmentation

breast augmentation after care - Breast surgery Korea

11:07 PM
Taking care after the breast augmentation surgery  There are many patients who ask me what to do after the breast augmentation surgery and so I would like to answer this question today with this post. A surgery must be done perfect so that the patient does not have to do much after-surgery management. But the body is complex and different from one person...


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