Breast implant placement : Under and over the muscle or Dual Plane If you are aware about the breast implant placement, then you know just about 90% of what the breast implant that we use for the breast surgery is. When I talk to many patients, they ask, “How large (cc) implant do you use?” “Do you use the round type or the...
breast augmentation
Latest report of the textured implant - breast augmentation Korea KIES-U
9:59 PM Textured silicone breast implant use in primary augmentation Academical findings do not stay fixed but the details are changed as new findings and results come out. So the doctors pay careful attention to the new findings. The doctors who do not study would not provide outmost result to the patients. Also, science is something that “you might think correct, but can be mistaken”....
Q) Is there no problem with breast feeding after the breast augmentation? The answer to this question is that there is no problem. In addition, let’s look at some of the important facts that you need to know in breast augmentation. Breast augmentation can be divided into two. First is the ‘Subglandular’ – Above the pectoralis major muscle Second is the ‘Subpectoral’ –...
Breast Augmentation For Older Women [KIES-U Korea] Q. I am kind of old, but can I get a breast augmentation? A. Age is not important. The health status is. This is a commonly asked question. There are many who are about 50 years or older, and think that they have problems with the breasts. These women think “Am I too old to have...
How to reduce pain after breast augmentation surgery There are many who are concerned about the pain after the breast augmentation surgery and therefore do not want to get it. There are many around who suffer from the pain so the patients get scared about the breast augmentation surgery. There are many internet advertisements that read “no pain breast augmentation surgery” or “no pain surgery”...
Let’s look at in details about the most important substance in nose job (nose surgery), the nasal septum. There are many substances used in order to change the shape of the nose. The most common ones are the ear cartilage, nasal septum and the costal cartilage. T here are many who ask this question. “Do you use ear cartilage here or the costal...
Breast Surgery To Know List 7. no touch technique breast augmentation How to prevent capsular contracture? This is a frequently asked question. There are many who are concerned that the breast implant in the breast becomes stiff and strong. I have shared many times about the reasons behind the capsular contracture, but we do not know the reason for sure. However we assume...
Ptosis correction How your eyes look determines 90% of your first impression. One would not know how difficult eye surgery is if he/she is not in this field There are many people who think of eye surgery as something easy to do, but there is no other surgery that needs as much delicacy as this. "Ptosis” is a difficult word, so there are...
Which is better? Nasal septum cartilage or Ear cartilage? (Rhinoplasty) Q) Doctor, which one do you use? The nasal septum cartilage or the ear cartilage? Which of the two is better? A) This is one of the most common questions asked for the nose job(rhinoplasty) . The answer is simple. Those who need to use the nasal septum cartilage uses this and those...
Breast augmentation revision surgery Korea 'Anatomical type breast revision surgery' means that you will have a revision surgery with a anatomical type implant. Today’s topic is the breast re-surgery with an anatomical type implant. There are no revision surgeries that require an anatomical type implants If you decide to have a breast revision surgery, then you would need to think about what type...
Breast implants feel natural touch
Breast augmentation Korea - Breast implants feel natural touch
8:41 PM Breast Surgery – To know list 5. Breast implants touch Tactile sensation of the breast after the breast augmentation surgery is a natural problem associated with the surgery itself. Whether the breast feels real or not when you touch it, is a big decision making factor for the breast surgery. A to Z of have a good tactile sensation of the breast There...
AlloDerm, MEDPOR,Donor Cartilage _Materials necessary for nose job Nasal Implants for Rhinoplasty - AlloDerm AlloDerm refers for skin graft. It combines two words of Allo = Thick skin of a human being, and dermis. It is a donated thick skin that has been fabricated so that it could be used on another person. This is used widely around the world. There are other...