breast augmentation

Breast Implant profile - Breast augmentation Korea KIES-U

8:06 PM
Implant profile in breast augmentation, KIES-U breast augmentation Korea  Implant profile for breast augmentation (water drop type) I have shared the below image below, let’s look at it again. All breast augmentation implants, for example, when are all cohesive gel 300cc, i.e same volume, have different diameter (bottom length) and height (thickness). We call this profile.   Let’s compare 275cc implants of a...


breast augmentation korea

History of breast implants - Breast augmentation Korea KIES-U

7:56 PM
A brief history of breast augmentation Implants Plastic surgery that includes breast augmentation is a medical science. There are many people who are curious about medical science, however, this field of study is very professional therefore, if someone who is not a professional, delivers undetailed information, that information may be wrong. I have written a lot of contents in my blog and I...


breast augmentation

[Cohesive gel breast augmentation] breast surgery Korea KIES-U

7:32 PM
Implants for breast augmenation [Cohesive gel breast augmentation]  Today I would like to write up details about frequently asked questions on cohesive gel breast augmentation. First, let’s discuss about the cohesive gel implant. 1. Can I use cohesive gel for my Breast augmentation surgery?  Currently, anyone can use the cohesive gel. Saline bag type is used when inputted through the belly button or...


Breast augmentation implants. Chest x-ray with implants

Breast augmentation implants X ray - Plastic surgery Korea KIES-U

7:27 PM
Can you see the implant in the x-ray after the breast augmentation?  There are many of those who ask if one can see the silicone implant through the x-ray after the breast implantation. The answer to this is, “Yes”. You can also see the saline bag type implant as well. X-ray is a line that penetrates through the body, and the amount of...


Breast augmentation tuberous breast

Breast augmentation tuberous breast

2:13 AM
What is tuberous breast? It is difficult to find a severe case of tuberous breast but there are times that I get to meet patients with minor case of tuberous breast. Breast augmentation Korea KIES-U I think that there are about 5% of patients with a minor case of tuberous breast. Name and definition Tuberous breast is a congenital abnormality. It can be...


breast augmentation korea

Bellagel and Motiva breast implants - Breast augmentation Korea

12:04 AM
Korean made cohesive gel implant, Bellagel, and Motiva from Costa Rica  Today I would like to introduce new implants that might be certified and distributed in our country this year. One is made in Korea, Bellagel, and the other is from a company with HQ in Costa Rica called Motiva. Currently there are 5 implants that are distributed and sold at our country....


breast augmentation korea

Teardrop (anatomical) implants rotation - Breast augmentation Korea

7:06 PM
Do teardrop(anatomical) type implant rotate (turn upside-down)?  I would like to quote findings of Prof. Heden from Karolinska University in Stockholm, Sweden. "From 1995 to 2009 we implanted close to 12,000 (minimum of 6,000 patients) AHCSI implants (teardrop type implants)........ Infections were caused in 1.7%, seroma in 0.6% of the cases. Infections are found mainly in the combined mastopexy augmentations. Rotations have been seen...


breast augmentation

risk factors of capsular contracture - Breast augmentation Korea

5:29 PM
Recent finding on the risk factors of capsular contracture (breast augmentation)  There was an announcement regarding a finding on the capsular contracture risk factors by Dr. Grant Stevens and 34 others and so I would like to post on that. When there is a medical finding and announcement, there must be a reasonable number of samples to derive statistics. Also, there should be...


breast augmentation

Breast augmentation incision site and side effects

10:27 PM
[Breast Surgery Korea KIES-U] Incision on the inframammary fold leads to minimum possibility  of capsular contracture (Reference from a journal published  by research team in Georgetown University Hospital, D.C) Breast augmentation is the most popular beauty surgery in the world today. In 2010, there were 318,000 cases of breast augmentation in US alone. Image that shows the possibility of capsular contracture according to...


breast augmentation

breast ptosis (sagging breasts) surgery, Breast augmentation Korea KIES-U

12:11 AM
Breast Ptosis Surgery, KIES-U Plastic surgery Korea How do your breasts change after you give birth or as you get older? First, is when most of the fat on your breast drops down and the lower part of the breast stretches. Second, is when you lose volume in the upper breast. We call this glandular ptosis. Please refer to the image below. Glandular...


breast augmentation

Dual plane teardrop - breast augmentation Korea KIES-U

11:17 PM
Dual plane teardrop breast augmentation  A lot of patients in Korea get the teardrop breast augmentation but using teardrop(anatomical) type implant does not mean that your breast would look natural and beautiful. A lot of the doctors realized this late and therefore, now, think much about how the surgery should be performed than they used to in the past. Teardrop breast augmentation Korea   Also the teardrop type...


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