plastic surgery korea

History of plastic surgery | KIES-U Plastic surgery Korea

9:06 PM
Hello everyone. Today, I would like to share about the history of plastic surgery. Someone may ask on why we need to know this history, but there is an answer to this. If you look at the history, you will know that the things happened in the past are currently happening again. The difference between a human and other mammal is that we...


24 hour breast augmentation

Instabreast. 24hour breast enlargement | Plastic surgery Korea KIES-U

7:21 PM
Surgical procedure such as a “temporary boob job” is very popular in NY and other parts of the world. we do not know exactly how many people get this does. We are just talking about it with our basic perception that this is very popular. Breast augmentation can be perceived as the most applied surgery in the world (in US, there were 300,000...


breast augmentation

What happens to over augmented breasts? | Plastic surgery Korea KIES-U

9:41 PM
We call augmented breast that is too large, an overaugmented breast. Today, I would like to share about using a large implant that is too big for the body of its owner. Most of you know that the implant is made of silicone. But, why is the silicone used? I have not seen any patient ask me about this. The implants used on...


breast augmentation

Breast augmentation for constricted sagging breasts | Plastic surgery Korea

3:53 PM
First, I would like to share about constricted breasts. (Today’s topic is a little difficult to understand. Please ask me any questions after reading the contents) Plastic surgery Korea KIES-U Constricted breasts happen inherently. There are different cases. In one case, your breast might look like it only has a root. In another, you might see a breast that is shaped upwards only....


breast augmentation korea

Polytech’s 2 Gel cohesive gel implant - Plastic surgery Korea KIES-U

9:32 PM
Polytech’s 2 Gel cohesive gel implant – Natural movement that feels the same as the original breasts Today, I would like to introduce 2 Gel cohesive implant manufactured by Polytech in Germany but is not widely known here in Korea. This implant is called Diagon gel implant but I would like to keep things simple and call it 2 gel cohesive gel. The...


Consultation before Breast augmentation Surgery

Plastic Surgery Korea | The Importance of a Consultation before Breast augmentation Surgery

6:23 PM
Patients are from Mars, and doctors are from Venus [Plastic surgery Korea KIES-U] The Importance of a Consultation before Breast Surgery A doctor’s concerning points about breast surgery I think that this area is more confusing and difficult as I talk to more patients. I feel hopeless when..... the patient’s response is completely the opposite of what I am trying to get across....


breast augmentation

About breast size - breast augmentation Korea

10:43 PM
About breast size - breast augmentation Korea  There are many patients who do not know how the breast sizes change after the breast augmentation. The doctors say that he/she would use 300cc or 275cc, but the patients do not know how the breasts would change along with the different sizes of the implants. About 13~14 years ago, the internet shopping started. At that...



Breast implant placement - Breast augmentation Korea

10:37 PM
Breast implant placement : Under and over the muscle or Dual Plane If you are aware about the breast implant placement, then you know just about 90% of what the breast implant that we use for the breast surgery is. When I talk to many patients, they ask, “How large (cc) implant do you use?” “Do you use the round type or the...


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