
Breast implants Korea - Polyurethane (Microthane) Breast implants

7:06 PM

Microthane implant – is it safe to use in the long term?

Today I would like to share about a writing from Dr. Pompei from Rome, Italy, who is a World known specialist in microthane implant augmentation. As you read this post, you will be able to understand the characteristics of microthane implant better.

Ashley first adopted breast augmentation with polyurethane implant between 1970~1972. This is about 50 years ago, a very long time ago. Since then, there has been much advancement and improvement in the technique.

The first implants introduced were hard and had no elasticity. Glue was used to stick the polyurethane on the gel bag. This was not safe. The first generation implant with time would change shape, foam would fall off and also the silicone gel would be separated. This could result in silicone leakage.

Loss of foam in 1st generation polyurethane implant would make the shell become similar to smooth type implant. Some believed that this would increase the possibility of capsular contracture.

But this is not an accurate hypothesis. Capsular contracture is not formed due to the smooth shell but because of the silicone leakage, i.e. implant collapse.

1st generation polyurethance implant was made by BMS (Brystol-Myers-Squibb). I shared about this in my post of 30 year experiment on polyurethane implants used in breast augmentation.

Recently, Dr. Pompei announced his result on 10 year monitoring of more modern product, Polytech’s microthane implant. The essay was published on 2016 Aesthetic surgery journal  (Oxford Press).

131 patients (255 implants) received breast augmentation with microthane implants between 2000~2012 in Sandro Pertini Hospital, Rome. Most patients used round type polyurethane implants with dual plane or above the pectoralis method.

After an average of 110 month follow-up survey, there were 4 cases of malpositioning, 4 cases of rippling, 2 cases of capsular contracture after hematoma, 2 cases of collapse, and one contracture. There were total of 19 complications. Bottoming out effect due to malpositioning was found only on one patient but the cause is unclear.

But when we consider the characteristics of microthane implants, it is unusual that there were 4 cases of malpositioning.

Once the microthane implant is inserted into the body, it immediately sticks to the surrounding tissue therefore the implant does not move about although the patient takes some aggressive actions.

It could be assumed that the surgeon was not careful with the implant insertion during the surgery. The surgeon could have placed the implant in the wrong spot and the implant remained there. If the microthane implant was inserted into the accurate location, it does not move around.

Microthane was larger barrier between the polyurethane foam and silicone gel compared to the predecessor. Also the sticking process was largely improved. The possibility of gel leakage due to the separation of shell and foam greatly decreased.
This is why many expect that the chances of having capsular contracture also greatly decreased for microthane implants.
Of course, we need data that has been gathered for more than 10 years.

Capsular contracture was found in total of 3 breasts. 2 breasts had capsular contracture after hematoma. There was much bleeding during the augmentation that led to the forming of hematoma. The hematoma interferes with the polyurethane foam sticking to the skin tissue. The capsular contracture was formed within a very short period of time (less than 1 year).

The result of this experiment showed that the incidence rate of capsular contracture during 14.6 years is 2.3%. According to MD Spear, an expert in breast augmentation, the 10 year incidence of capsular contracture with textured silicone gel implant is 17.2%, and smooth silicone gel with 19.9%. But microthane implant had incidence rate that is about 1/8 ~1/9 of silicone gel implant.

The structure of micraothane implant is very active and strong. It is very difficult and time consuming to remove the microthane implant after the breast augmentation. The implant holds on to the skin tissue cell tightly.

If you remove the microthane implant from the breast after a few years, you would be able to fine urethane foam tangles with the epidermis. You would see the rest on the implant exterior. We cannot remove this tangled part with scissors or any other equipment.

The information that removing microthane implant harming the patient or that it is impossible to remove the microthane implant is not true. It is difficult to be removed right after the breast augmentation but after some time, it can be removed rather easily.

MD Pompei shows much confidence on his microthane implant research after performing many breast augmentation surgeries. There are some doctors who use microthane implants on capsular contracture patients, but it can be used in the 1st breast augmentation surgery with good results.

Today, we share about polyurethane foam coated implant, i.e. microthane implant and the research from Italy.

This is all for today. Thank you very much.

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