anatomical implant

Why is the anatomical implant good for breast augmentation?

9:10 PM
Anatomical implant for breast augmentation?KIES-U Breast augmentation Korea Most think that this is good because the augmented breasts would look anatomical. Also patients like it because the anatomical implants avoid the upper fullness. Breast augmentation Korea KIES-U Actually, in order to answer this question, I need to provide explanation on the relationship between the human body and the implants. Here is the conclusion,...


anatomical implant

Korea Breast augmentation - Silimed cohesive gel

6:15 PM
The FDA approved anatomical implant, Silimed cohesive gel  As I talk to my patients, I feel that they are open to inaccurate and dangerous information from the medical related news, internet portals, and other sources of information. FDA Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) This is the reason why I put information on my blog. Silimed anatomical implant / round type cohesive gel implants were...


anatomical implant

Breast augmentation Korea - Selecting the breast implant Height

10:07 PM
Selecting the Implant Height in Breast augmentation with anatomical Prosthesis [KIES-U Korea] Here in Korea, we have a short history of using tear-drop implant breast augmentation, therefore we limited know-how in various types of surgeries. In oppose to this, tear-drop implants have been used in Europe and North America for almost 20 years. Therefore, these countries have built-up knowledge and data that are...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation Natural looking breast implant

10:00 AM
Spreading breast when lying down (natural breast)  Do the breasts spread apart after textured correction when you lie down? (Natural breasts / unnatural breasts)   The question above is about the natural look after the breast augmentation surgery Natural breasts tend to spread apart when lying down, but the breasts with implants do not spread naturally but stay stiff- therefore, there are many...


24 hours recovery

How to choose Breast Implant Size for Breast Augmentation

9:27 PM
Breast Surgery To Know List 4.Deciding on the Breast implant size There are many posts on how we can decide on the size of the breast implants. Today, I would like to summarize the core contents with this post. Before the doctor would see the patient and say “You would need xxx cc.” This was about 7 to 8 years ago. But today,...


anatomic breast implant

Breast augmentation surgery - Knowing your body

4:36 PM
When I meet patients for breast surgery, there are many frequently asked questions and there are some facts that the patients do not know well enough. I would like to post on these one by one. Also, I would like to set facts straight, especially those wrong information on the internet. If any of you have had thought about having a breast augmentation...


anatomical implant

Can I get an incision through the armpit for anatomical implant?

8:49 AM
Question ; I want breast augmentation with anatomical implant through the armpit. is it possible? Answer ; It is possible. But not for every patient, not by every surgeon. It can be done for selected patients and done by qualified surgeons. The anatomical implants are designed  to have orientation and direction. The lower part is thick and upper part is thin. That nature...


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