Breast augmentation surgery Treatment and follow-up

Treatment and follow-up service after Breast augmentation surgery

7:30 PM
Getting to know about breast augmentation Today I would like to share details on treatment and follow-up service of breast augmentation. 1. ‘Treatment’ refers to activites that involve taking care of the wound, protecting the scar and bleeding, stabilizing  the surgery area, dressing, and prescribing medication. Treatment means Sterilizing the wound and providing dressing for it Applying pressure bandage Prescribing / injecting antibiotics,...



Lifting by mono thread (Tightening)

6:22 PM
Non-invasive antiaging methods Today, I would like to continue with sharing more information on mono thread, ie. thread without any hooks, for face lifting. Its more close to tightening rather than lifting. Mono thread does not have a hook like that on the cloth hanger, therefore, is cannot have a lifting power without a fixation point. Tightening effect is very important in making...



U-shaped thread for thread lifting

7:01 PM
Basic knowledge of anti-aging Today, I would like to share about U-shaped thread for face thread lifting. There are basically two types of threads, melting one and non-melting one. There is a non- melting thread called aptos, however this is not used today. The threads used today are all melting ones. The melting threads can also be classifed into two groups, one with...


breast augmentation

What to do when suffering from capsular contracture

6:44 PM
Managing breast augmentation and its side effects There are those who are ask questions such as “How do you take care of capsular contracture in this clinic?” when I talk to the patients. I have felt that many patients are unclear about what the hospital can do if the patient suffers side effects or other complications after breast augmentation as they gather information...


face lifting

Solution to skin sagginess after facial bone contour surgery

8:53 PM
There was a wave of facial contour surgery in the early or mid 2000’s for about 10 years. At the time, the nose and eye surgery were popular but there were some doctos who said that they can make your faces smaller and make it look like a westerner’s by shaving off the facial bone, breaking it and gixing it again. Young women...


breast augmentation

How to make the breast augmentation least painful?

10:06 PM
Getting to know about breast augmentation Whoever gets on the surgical bed would be scared to get a surgery. This is something normal. The biggest reason for such fear is the pain that you would feel after the surgery. Today, I would like to share about few things that you can do in order to prevent the pain and achieve a comfortable surgery...



How to make the thread lifting effect last for a long time

9:27 PM
Basic knowledge of anti-aging Today, I would like to post on something that many of those who get thread lifting ask about. There are those who say that thread lifting is very effective at first but the effect goes away very quickly. Many people know that thread lifting is not a permanent thing and the effect disappears as the face skin sag, but...


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