breast augmentation

[Cohesive gel breast augmentation] breast surgery Korea KIES-U

7:32 PM
Implants for breast augmenation [Cohesive gel breast augmentation]  Today I would like to write up details about frequently asked questions on cohesive gel breast augmentation. First, let’s discuss about the cohesive gel implant. 1. Can I use cohesive gel for my Breast augmentation surgery?  Currently, anyone can use the cohesive gel. Saline bag type is used when inputted through the belly button or...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

Will Augmented Breasts Change After pregnancy or giving birth? - breast surgery Korea

7:11 PM
What happens to my breasts that I have cosmetic surgery on, after pregnancy or after I give birth? Which looks better? Before the pregnancy? Or after it? This is a common question. The answer to this question is that the surgically done breasts become similar to the non-surgical breasts. Breast augmentation requires putting in the implants and enlarging the skin. The skin tissue...


breast augmentation

breast size after breast augmentation surgery

11:41 PM
How large does the breasts become after the breast augmentation? Q. I will be using cohesive gel 275cc (or 300cc) and my breasts are currently AA cup. How will the size change? Let’s look at how we measure the cup size before we answer the question above. When the difference between the upper breasts circumference and the lower breasts circumference is about 12.5cm,...


Areola reduction surgery

Areola reduction - breast surgery korea

7:25 PM
Areola reduction surgery Let’s talk about the areola reduction today. The diameter of the areola in an average woman should be about 4.7cm. Also, we would consider the shape of the breasts along with the proportion in the upper body to decide on the size of the areola. If the areola is larger than 4.7cm then one must seriously consider getting the areola...


breast augmentation

Breastfeeding after Breast Augmentation Surgery

9:27 PM
Q) Is there no problem with breast feeding after the breast augmentation? The answer to this question is that there is no problem. In addition, let’s look at some of the important facts that you need to know in breast augmentation. Breast augmentation can be divided into two. First is the ‘Subglandular’ – Above the pectoralis major muscle Second is the ‘Subpectoral’ –...


breast augmentation

Breast Augmentation Incisions - Korea

10:47 AM
Deciding on the location of the incision on the breast  – Depends on the shape of the breast by Dr. Lee Joo Hyuck (KIES-U plastic surgery Korea) There are many of those who have difficulty on deciding where to do the incision for the breast surgery. Today, we will look at how you can make such a decision according to different situations.  Breast...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

Things to consider Before getting Breast surgery [KIES-U Korea]

5:20 PM
Communication between the surgeon and the patient by Dr. Lee Joo Hyuck (KIES-U Plastic surgery Korea) Whenever I talk to my patients, one thing always come up on my head, that communication is very important. Actually, I think about this every time. How can the patient understand me clearly? How can I understand what the patient wants? This looks simple, but it is...



How do you correct wide separation of breasts?

5:26 PM
How do you correct wide separation of breasts? There are know-hows on how we go about correcting wide separation of breasts. We can categorize with widening of breasts into two categories. First, is the inner part in which the cleavage is wide, and the second, is where the distance between the two nipples.  If the sternum between the two breasts is wide, we can...


breast surgery korea

About this blog..............

3:32 PM
Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm Lee Joo Hyuck, plastic surgery specialist, my clinic is located in Seoul, Korea. (http://www.kis-u.com) Nowadays, more and more people are coming from English speaking countries - USA, Canada, Australia, Newzealand - for breast augmentation surgery while I have been doing the surgery in Korea. Many of them were overseas Korean or second, third -generation Korean American...


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