Fillers used for nose surgery
There are numerous fillers used for nose surgery.I would like to share a post on the nose surgeries that require the usage of the fillers.
As you can see in the image above, there are three spots where the filler can be injected on the nose.
1) Root of the nose that is close to the middle of the forehead. The skin here is thick and the bottom is strong because of the bone. So, as you put the filler in, there is uprising effect right away therefore, this is the most effective spot for the filler. There is no room under the skin so the filler is tightly held and this method is frequently used as well.
2) There are usually hump on the nasal ridge and the skin is very thin also. The hump is between the bone and the cartilage. Those people with low nose has this in the shape of camel back.
The filler should not be injected into the hump but put in at the bumped in spot. There is a little pain, and there is no room under the skin so the pressure disperses around. The filler is not much injected on this spot.
3) The skin at the tip of the nose is thick and is fluid (slippery). It is fibrosis that shapes the nose at this spot so it is dangerous to put the filler and the filler does not go in easily either. There is much pain.
This spot would be for those who have really soft nose tip and very low nose. The patient would need to be satisfied with little amount of filler pushing up the nose. If you want to change the shape of the nose tip, you cannot just rely on the filler, you must get a surgery. Actually the filler would not be enough for most of the Koreans.
Now, let’s look at the fillers. There are many. The fillers can be divided largely into 3~4 types.
1) Hyaluronic type: Perfectha, Esthelis, Restylane, Juvederm, Teosyal, etc
This has the longest history.
Hyaluronic type was used for a long time not because of customer satisfaction but because of safety/secureness that it provides.
Filler is a substance that we do not know where anatomically the filler absorbs into the tissue. Therefore, it may not stay at the proper position and move about due to the muscle movement. There would be much difficulties if there are any infection or inflammation caused.
For such reasons, there has been a need to have a filler that absorbs completely and disappears in the body. Hyaluronic solves this need and has been used ever since. It can be completely dissolved and removed therefore is the safest substance.
Hyaluronic is the most widely used substance however, whatever brand it is, hyaluronic type does not last for a long time. The patients perceived that the fillers do not have long effect because of this hyaluronic type.
2) PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate): Artecoll, Artefill
This is a filler with collagen gel with PMMA particles mixed that last for about 5 years.
When PMMA enter the body, it makes capsules. The PMMA may be removed, but the capsules stay providing the volume effect.
Hyaluronic type is not durable therefore PMMA has been used. This advantage is also a disadvantage of the product.
If the patient does not like the result, or has side effects such as inflammation or infection, there is no way that one can completely remove the substance.
The hospitals that promote Artecoll and Artefill concentrate on this durability. They communicate that the patient should choose this filter for long durability, but this durability also is the source of pain.
3) Calcium hydroxyapatite filler: Radiesse, Facetem
After many years of its usage, many doctors perceive that the calcium filler has less problems than expected. The word “perceive” is the important one here.
There are many who had problems with Radiesse. This can be squeezed out like a toothpaste but it cannot be completely removed. If you are one who want long durability, then calcium filler can be a great alternative solution for you.
The duration of calcium filler is between PMMA collagen and Hyaluronic type. The pain from any problem is between the two as well. There is no absolute characteristic. I use this filler according to different situations.
4) PAAG filler: Bio-Alcamid, Aquamid
PAAG also does not dissolve inside the body. If undissolved substance inside the body causes a problem, it is that much more difficult to treat the problem.
There are many who are curious about the PAAG filter and ask questions about it. There are interested because it is a permanent filter. I usually respond like this.
If you want a permanent effect, then I would recommend a surgery instead. Filler is only for temporary change.
I do not reject the usage of PAAG if the patient wants it, but there is no guarantee that one would not suffer inflammation, infection, etc and if you want to remove it in the next 10 or 20 years, there is no way to remove it. I use such details to question the patient’s final decision.
Today was about the fillers that could be used for the nose surgery. It seems like I wrote not only about nose fillers but fillers for the face in general.
Thank you and have a great day.