24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation Natural looking breast implant

10:00 AM
Spreading breast when lying down (natural breast)  Do the breasts spread apart after textured correction when you lie down? (Natural breasts / unnatural breasts)   The question above is about the natural look after the breast augmentation surgery Natural breasts tend to spread apart when lying down, but the breasts with implants do not spread naturally but stay stiff- therefore, there are many...


24 hours recovery of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation for Pigeon chest

9:57 PM
Pectus Carinatum Breast augmentation Surgery  I have personally analyzed statistically that there are about 12~16% of those with Pigeon chest. This is rather a common form of chest cage. Pigeon chest is when the chest cage is roundly shaped by ribs, and breastbones. We call pigeon chest medically pectus carinatum. The shape is formed because costal cartilage and breastbone stick outwards. A bad...



How do you correct wide separation of breasts?

5:26 PM
How do you correct wide separation of breasts? There are know-hows on how we go about correcting wide separation of breasts. We can categorize with widening of breasts into two categories. First, is the inner part in which the cleavage is wide, and the second, is where the distance between the two nipples.  If the sternum between the two breasts is wide, we can...


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