Managing breast augmentation and its side effects There are those who are ask questions such as “How do you take care of capsular contracture in this clinic?” when I talk to the patients. I have felt that many patients are unclear about what the hospital can do if the patient suffers side effects or other complications after breast augmentation as they gather information...
Breast augmentation implants. Chest x-ray with implants
Breast augmentation implants X ray - Plastic surgery Korea KIES-U
7:27 PM Can you see the implant in the x-ray after the breast augmentation? There are many of those who ask if one can see the silicone implant through the x-ray after the breast implantation. The answer to this is, “Yes”. You can also see the saline bag type implant as well. X-ray is a line that penetrates through the body, and the amount of...