breast augmentation

Must-haves for success in breast augmentation; Matching implant and breast tissue structure #2

4:26 PM
About Form stability [breast augmentation Korea] The two key words that I share while I talk to the patients or write on this blog are “form stability” and “dual plane”. Form stability of an implant is one of the core concepts in forecasting how the breast augmentation result would be. But, to most patients, this term would be very new to them. Most...


breast augmentation

Form stable implant- Breast augmentation Korea

10:12 PM
Form stable implant There are many who do not understand what form stable implant is. Today, I would like to share about what a form stable implant is. Form stable implant is one that does not change its shape irregularly but stays in uniform shape. What is form stability? The gel has high cohesiveness and density. As the filling rate, volume of gel...


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